Law Enforcement/Military training courses deliver current and advanced training methodologies and capabilities on marksmanship and firearms training, tactics, and other matters restricted to law enforcement, military, and sectors of government. Our comprehensive training encompasses challenging building blocks, real world experiences and principles, and matters of stress under performance or mentality. Desired endstate is for first responders to be ready and capable for tomorrow’s unknowns when operating individually or collectively.

Hosted by the Elk City Police Department, this program is a 30-hour training program designed to enhance the Law Enforcement Officer’s capability to execute when faced with an immediate threat in a vehicle confined space, exiting, to the movement of alternate vehicle positions. Skillsets and motor skills are enhanced in a series of progressive stages for the individual to understand necessary methods to rapidly move in, out, and around vehicles, effectively clear unknowns while utilizing cover to their advantage, apply split-second decisions on placement of shots to either reduce/eliminate threats to determining routes of maneuvers. Officers will develop critical baseline principles and procedural flows on employing an individual to multi-officer maneuvers with communication skills and contingency considerations. Methods, principles, fundamentals, and methods taught have been proven worldwide in urban environments.
NOTE: Law Enforcement, Military, and vetted Civilians Only (more details…)

Hosted by the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office, this program is a 20-hour basic to intermediate stage performance carbine marksmanship course designed to develop Law Enforcement Officer’s critical and necessary skillsets to place accurate shots with their assigned duty carbine at various distances in a combination of their daily operating environment. Officers will be exposed to various shooting base platforms of barricades, buildings, and vehicles to understand proper points of contact and techniques for stabilization and control, assessment of distance and holdoffs, cover vs no cover. Resulting in developing confidence with their assigned carbine and can rapidly assess and place accurate distance shots with a series of contingency requirements based on the threat variable. NOTE: Law Enforcement and Military Only (more details…)

Hosted by the Greenwood Village PD in Colorado, this course is a 20-hour designed for LEOs to advance in gunfighting skills from a basic to an intermediate level of performance. This program is a progressive development on the confident application of weapon fundamentals of both weapon systems, precision shooting in various body/cover positions, weapon manipulations in both strong to support hand target engagement while using cover, rapid reloads, and communication methods. NOTE: Law Enforcement and Military Only (more details…)

Littleton, CO Police Department is hosting Tactical Options’ Vehicle Counter-ambush and Maneuvers Course, which is a 30-hour training program designed to enhance the Law Enforcement Officer’s capability to execute when faced with an immediate threat in a vehicle confined space, exiting, to the movement of alternate vehicle positions. Skillsets and motor skills are enhanced in series of progressive stages for the individual to understand necessary methods to rapidly move in, out, and around vehicles, effectively clear unknowns while utilizing cover to their advantage, apply split-second decisions on placement of shots to either reduce/eliminate threats to determining routes of maneuvers. Officers will develop critical baseline principles and procedural flows on employing an individual to multi-officer maneuvers with communication skills and contingency considerations. Methods, principles, fundamentals, and methods taught have been proven worldwide in urban environments. (more details…)

This 20-hour program is restricted to Law Enforcement and Military personnel. The program is designed to enhance mission readiness and tactical capability to LE teams on their application of Night Vision Devices, weapon capabilities, and tactics while operating in a close quarter’s environment.
The officer and team will be trained on how to properly apply the principles and fundamentals of CQB while under Night Vision Devices. Officers will execute progressive stages in training on advanced clearing methods under night vision devices, surreptitious close quarters clearing techniques, non-verbal communication methods with IR lasers, Initiative Based Tactics, and CQB procedural flows. Team / Unit SOP will be developed through multi-team hasty and deliberate clearing methods, white light clearance vs NVG and IR laser, threat reduction measures, and target discrimination applications while under NVGs. These skillsets are crucial, in support of mission accomplishment, during the execution of high-risk warrants, crisis, and other matters that require the usage of night vision devices and IR lasers. (more details…)

This 16-hr / 2-day course is designed to develop critical pistol skillsets and capabilities necessary to place accurate carbine fire under various threat contingencies. Progressive phases of development advance student’s decision-making process, critical situational analysis and execution, motor skills, carbine precision shot requirements, and principles and efficiency techniques in situations that require immediate defense with their carbine system.
This course will require vetting on participation as it is a basic to intermediate stage performance course that will be physically demanding. Prior marksmanship training is required. (more details…)

This 16-hr / 2-day course is designed to develop critical pistol skillsets and capabilities necessary to place accurate pistol shots under various threat contingencies. Progressive phases of development advance student’s decision-making process, critical situational analysis and execution, motor skills, carbine precision shot requirements, and principles and efficiency techniques in situations that require immediate defense with their pistol system.
This course will require vetting on participation as it is a basic to intermediate stage performance course that will be physically demanding. Prior marksmanship training is required. (more details…)

Urban Threat Close Quarters Combat Course designed to teach principles and fundamentals of Close Quarters Combat to Law Enforcement and Military personnel. Students will develop critical skill sets necessary to efficiently execute Close Quarters Combat/Initiative Based Tactics movement techniques.
Instruction will be a building platform of learning critical principles, fundamentals, and efficiency techniques for both individual to collective tactical elements and how to effectively their close quarters environments. (more details…)

Patrol Carbine Extended Range Precision Course is a 20-hour basic to intermediate stage performance carbine marksmanship course designed to develop Law Enforcement Officer’s critical and necessary skillsets to place accurate shots with their assigned duty carbine at various distances in a combination of their daily operating environment. Officers will be exposed to various shooting base platforms of barricades, buildings, and vehicles to understand proper points of contact and techniques for stabilization and control, assessment of distance and hold-offs, cover vs no cover, and developing the confidence with their assigned carbine and set up to rapidly employ and place accurate distance shots with a series of contingency requirements based off the threat variable. (more details…)

Tactical Options’ Vehicle Threat and Maneuver Course is a 20-hour training program designed to enhance a Law Enforcement Officer, Military Personnel, or experienced Civilian’s capability to execute when faced with an immediate threat in a vehicle confined space, exiting, to the movement of alternate vehicle positions. Officers will develop critical baseline principles and procedural flows on employing an individual to multi-officer maneuvers with communication skills and contingency considerations. (more details…)

This 16-hour program is designed to develop skillsets on manipulating using tactical lights mounted on carbines and pistols, and conduct precision shot applications in the dark. Students will progress through a series of marksmanship building blocks, speed and accuracy drills, and tactical shooting concepts with both their pistol and carbine.
Noise and light discipline techniques throughout the training will help officers on how to use the darkness as an advantage and working their platform systems on scanning, identifying threats, and controlling their environment. These practices will increase accountability/awareness and confidence to be able to operate in the darkness, identify threats, and apply the correct methods if faced with a deadly situation. (more details…)
* Times may vary based upon indoor/outdoor training location and times of darkness during seasons of the years.

The Train-the-Trainer Weapons Precision Course is a 30-hour is designed for members of the Law Enforcement community that teach marksmanship and tactical shooting within their department/agency. Instructors and trainers will learn how to be more effective in defining carbine and pistol fundamentals and drills that enhance individual fundamental weapon capability. Trainers will be more capable of teaching, coaching, and mentoring an officer on how to be more deliberate, confident, and aggressive with their weapon systems. (more details…)

Train-the-Trainer Close Quarter Battle Course is a 30-hour program designed to develop instructor capabilities to Law Enforcement training elements or military personnel in leadership roles when training CQB. Students will be instructed on understanding and being able to communicate critical CQB principles, fundamentals, and efficiency techniques. Students will leave with a better comprehensive teaching base and terminology to better define principles, fundamentals, and individual duties and responsibilities to your element when operating in an urban/close-quarters environment. (more details…)

This 16-hour course is restricted to only members of Law Enforcement. The program will advance the individual’s capability on carbine and pistol marksmanship skills while operating with IR Laser and under Night Vision Devices.
Skillsets will be developed throughout a series of progressive performance measures and building blocks focused on the weapon set up and zero, principles of the threat engagement and reduction, fundamental accuracy application, mindset under stress, situational observation, and execution methodologies. Critical weapon fundamentals will be applied on the manipulation of IR laser settings while placing low-percentage shots, IR laser to white light usage, transition and pistol shooting with white-light or through NVGs, and loadout/kit management procedures. (more details…)