Civilians have the right to exercise their EDC in the event of defense. Students will learn through series a progressive building blocks on the critical and crucial requirements on why and how to accurately place shots, develop advanced and confident weapon manipulation skills, be more effective on achieving goals under mental and physical stress, and developing a capability on how to analyze and deliver the correct execution though performance and decisions.

This course is designed to develop confident pistol management skills while successfully placing accurate shots on target. Students will go through 8-hours of progressive stages of safe pistol fundamental application and grouping, recoil management drills, speed reloads, and efficient motor skill techniques. This program is to educate by understanding and apply correct pistol fundamentals, accountability of shot placement, and skills to develop a baseline of pistol shooter capabilities. (more details…)

This course is designed to develop confident carbine management skills while successfully placing accurate shots on target. Students will go through 8-hours of progressive stages of safe pistol fundamental application and grouping, recoil management drills, speed reloads, and efficient motor skill techniques. This program is to educate by understanding and apply correct pistol fundamentals, accountability of shot placement, and skills to develop a baseline of carbine shooter capabilities. (more details…)

This 16-hr / 2-day course is designed to develop critical pistol skillsets and capabilities necessary to place accurate pistol shots under various threat contingencies. Progressive phases of development advance student’s decision-making process, critical situational analysis and execution, motor skills, carbine precision shot requirements, and principles and efficiency techniques in situations that require immediate defense with their pistol system.
This course will require vetting on participation as it is a basic to intermediate stage performance course that will be physically demanding. Prior marksmanship training is required.

This 16-hr / 2-day course is designed to develop critical pistol skillsets and capabilities necessary to place accurate carbine fire under various threat contingencies. Progressive phases of development advance student’s decision-making process, critical situational analysis and execution, motor skills, carbine precision shot requirements, and principles and efficiency techniques in situations that require immediate defense with their carbine system.
This course will require vetting on participation as it is a basic to intermediate stage performance course that will be physically demanding. Prior marksmanship training is required.

This 20-hour performance course is designed for the vetted civilian, law enforcement, and military personnel to enhance critical defensive capabilities while operating in or outside a vehicle and have a concealed carbine platform in place. Student’s capabilities enhance by mental readiness and confident safe carbine manipulation skills. Students will be taught vehicle carbine concealment options, execute carbine employment and engagement of targets while inside or outside of vehicles.

This 20-hour performance course is designed for the vetted civilian to enhance critical defensive capabilities while operating in or outside a vehicle. Students’ capabilities are enhanced by mental readiness and confident safe pistol manipulation. Skillsets and motor skills are developed through a series of progressive stages for the individual to understand necessary methods to rapidly move in, out, and around vehicles, while placing accurate fire, effectively clear unknowns while utilizing cover to their advantage, apply split-second decisions on placement of shots to immediately stop threats, and determining routes of exit. Students will develop knowledge of critical baseline principles and procedural flows individual to buddy team maneuvers drills while using vehicles as barricades, cover, and maneuver points.

The Night Vision Carbine Precision Course is designed to enhance current night vision equipment manipulation skills and IR laser precision shot placement with their carbine. Vetted civilians and personnel will develop new skills and knowledge on proper carbine and equipment set up with IR lasers, goggles, tac-lights, NVG and IR laser manipulation techniques, precision carbine shot application at various distances, efficient various body positions for stabilization, safe carbine manipulation methods under darkness, and various speed and accuracy drills with their IR laser and NVG goggles.

This 16-Hour / 2-day program designed to enhance the Responsible Citizen, with previous vetted training, on their weapon fundamental accuracy ability and critical performance measures in a low-light immediate threat environment. Students will develop skill sets through a series of stages both day and night on weapon employment and management, tac-light employment and sector scanning techniques, tac-light discipline measures, and usage of cover. All stages will develop each individual through a series of drills and critical thinking concepts on maintaining shot accuracy and multi-round management skills, proper usage of sight during sight acquisition and holds both day and night, engagement and threat reduction methods of both single to multi-threats, and proper usage of cover and cover clearance procures.

Low-Light Critical Carbine Course is a 16-hour / 2-day program designed to enhance skillsets and capabilities of the responsible vetted citizen, with previous vetted training, on their weapon fundamental accuracy ability and critical performance measures in a low-light immediate threat environment. Students will develop skillsets through a series of stages both day and night on weapon employment and management, tac-light employment and sector scanning techniques, tac-light discipline measures, and usage of cover. All stages will develop each individual through a series of drills and critical thinking concepts on maintaining shot accuracy and multi-round management skills, proper usage of sight during sight acquisition and holds both day and night, engagement and threat reduction methods of both single to multi-threats, and proper usage of cover and cover clearance procures.